Escape From Tarkov is the hardcore extraction shooter that fits a perfect niche within the gaming community, and fans have adored the title for quite some time now.
Now, BattleState Games have released a new patch, and we’ve got all the details.
Here’s what we know.
Escape From Tarkov Patch Full Patch Notes and More
The brand new Escape From Tarkov patch has hit players games on March 14, 2024 and there’s going to be a few hours of downtime before players can check out the patch.
However, you can view all the patch notes below.
Unranked game mode
An Unranked game mode has been added to the game, in which there are no restrictions on the selection of duplicate presets and the number of locations for matchmaking, as well as no change in ARP rating:
● TeamFight and ShootOut 2×2/3×3 are available for Unranked mode;
● Removed the team restriction on selecting duplicate presets;
● Reduced the minimum number of selected locations to 1 for matchmaking;
● Increased the cash rewards up to 20% for Tier 1, 30% for Tier 2, and 45% for Tier 3, in comparison to Ranked mode;
● On the Career screen, player stats are divided into Ranked and Unranked.
● Reduced the preset purchase time from 90 to 45 seconds;
● Reduced the match accept time from 30 to 25 seconds.
● Added a volume setting for the arena announcer:
- The minimum volume is 30% of the current volume;
● Added a volume setting for the match accept notification:
- The minimum volume is 30% of the current volume.
● Reduced the volume of radio turn on and turn off noises;
● Increased the overall volume of radios.
Harder penalties for killing allies in a match
● Reduced the number of kills for warning penalty from 4 to 3;
● Reduced the number of kills for the offending player to be kicked and blocked from 6 to 4;
● Added the offending player block for killing and damaging allies before the gates open and for some time after:
- The player is instantly killed and a warning is issued if they damage or kill an ally;
- On a repeat offense, the player is instantly kicked from the match and blocked from matchmaking for 30 minutes;
- If the player repeats the offense further, the punishment will be increased.
● The statistics displayed on the Rating screen now only count the results of Ranked games.
List of fixes:
● Fixed several issues causing the game accept screen to be missing for some group members.