We’re now well under way into the new year of League of Legends, and with Riot taking a new seasonal approach this year, this has amped up the patch cadence.
Now, the full patch release calendar is here, and the next patch on the slate is 25.S1.06,
Here's all of the upcoming changes.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.06: All Champion Changes and More
The next League of Legends patch is going to change up quite a few champions, alongside changing other elements of the game, as this is the case when it comes to most LoL patches.
While these changes are going to be exciting, you’re going to want to be in the know what is coming, and the patch notes that we know of so far are listed below.
Naafiri Rework
Base Stats:
- HP growth per level decreased: 120 >>> 110
- HP regen decreased: 9 (+0.9 per level) >>> 8 (+0.8 per level)
Passive: We Are More
- Max dogs increased: 2/3 at levels 1/9 >>> 2/3/4/5 at levels 1/9/12/15
- Packmate damage: 12-32 (+5% bonus AD) >>> 10-20 (+4% bonus AD)
- Packmate heath growth: 16 >>> 13
- Packmate AoE damage reduction reduced: 76-50% by level 14 >>> 75-40% by level 15
- Packmate tower damage: 25% >>> 50%
- Packmates now deal 155% damage to monsters
- Packmate taunt duration decreased: 3 seconds >>> 2 seconds
Q: Darkin Daggers
- First cast damage reduced: 35-75 >>> 30-70
- Second cast damage reduced: 30-90 >>> 25-85
W: The Call of the Pack
Naafiri’s ult buff has been swapped to her W, with her old dash now being her ult.
- Naafiri gains 1 second of untargetability on cast
- Hunt duration: 15 seconds >>> 5 seconds
- Movement speed adjusted: 70-100% decaying over 4 seconds, reduced upon taking damage >>> 20-30% for 5 seconds
- AD scaling adjusted: 5/15/25 (+8-24% bonus AD) >>> 20% total AD
- Now grants AD and movement speed immediately on cast
- Cooldown reduced: 120-100 seconds >>> 20-16 seconds
- Mana cost reduced: 100 >>> 60
- Extra dogs reduced: 2/3/4 >>> 2
- No longer shields
- No longer grants packmate health/CD
- No longer grants a pulse of vision
- No longer resets buff on takedown
E: Eviscerate
- Cooldown reduced: 10-8 >>> 9-7
- Range increased: 350 >>> 450
- Initial damage decreased: 35-95 (+50% bonus AD) >>> 15-55 (+40% bonus AD)
- Now dashes to cursor instead of always dashing full distance
R: Hounds Pursuit
Naafiri’s W dash is now her ultimate with its numbers completely changed
- Can now be recast once if Naafiri scores a takedown within 7 seconds
- Cooldown increased: 22-14 seconds >>> 110-80 seconds
- Mana cost increased: 70-30 >>> 100
- Range adjusted: 700/770/860/940 >>> 900
- Damage increased: 30-190 (+80% bonus AD) >>> 150-350 (+120% bonus AD)
- This ability is no longer blockable
- Can no longer be cast on minions